Executive Committee

Executive Committee - is the collegial executive body of the Association, carries out the current management of the activities of the Association, is accountable to the General Meeting of the Association members, the Association Chairman, the Association Council and organizes the implementation of their decisions.
The competence of the Executive Committee includes:

  1. approval of internal documents of the Association, with the exception of documents approved by the General Meeting of Members, the Chairman and the Council of the Association;
  2. preparation and submission for approval to the authorized bodies of the Association of draft internal documents, the adoption of which is assigned to their competence;
  3. ensuring timely submission to members of the Association of information on its activities;
  4. development of draft budget and annual work plan of the Association and, in agreement with the Chairman of the Association, submitting them for approval to the Council of the Association;
  5. making decisions on concluding partnership agreements with organizations that are not members of the Association;
  6. making decisions on other issues of Association’s activities, not related to the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Association members, the competence of the Chairman or the Council of the Association, as well as general management of current activities and other matters stipulated by the Charter of the Association.

Zhandos Nurmaganbetov
Director General of KAZAENERGY Association

Directly manages the activities of the Executive Committee of the Association "KAZENERGY". Supervises the work of:
  • Department of Internal Administration;
  • Department of Technical Regulation;
  • Press Office;
  • Protocol.
Supervises the activities of the members of the Executive Committee of the Association. In accordance with the established procedure performs other functions determined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter and internal acts of the Association.
Balgozhinov Daulet Zamanbekovich
Executive Director

Supervises such areas as:
  • law-drafting activities and examination of draft regulatory legal acts on all issues of the Association and its members' activities (according to the assigned projects);
  • legal support of the Association's activities.
Supervision of activities of:
  • Legal Department
Farkhat Khakymzhanovich Abytov
Executive director

Supervises such areas as:
  • oil and gas industry development;
  • green energy projects development (renewable and alternative sources), including coordination of discussion of cross-sectoral issues, as well as elimination of regulatory barriers to development of hybrid and other renewable energy projects initiated by large companies in the oil and gas sector;
  • work in the area of sustainable development of oil and gas companies during "energy transition" and increasing environmental requirements (low-carbon development, decarbonization, BAT introduction);
  • development of oil and gas chemistry and coal chemistry projects;
  • development of gas projects;
  • support of new investments in geological exploration and elimination of regulatory barriers in activities of oil and gas producing enterprises;
  • science, innovation, development of Kazakhstani content, exchange trading in the oil and gas industry;
  • performs general coordination of the Association's participation in issues of supranational regulation of the EAEU, as well as oversees issues of supranational regulation within the EAEU (in terms of common markets for oil, gas and petroleum products).
Supervision of activities of:
  • Oil and Gas Industry Development Department;
  • Environmental Regulation Department (in terms of issues related to the oil and gas industry).
  • Coordinating Council for Oil and Gas Industry Development;
  • Coordinating Council for Ecology and Low-Carbon Development (in terms of issues related to the oil and gas industry);
  • Scientific and Technical Council;
  • Oil and Gas Industry Committee of the Presidium of "Atameken" National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Damir S. Narynbayev
Executive director

Supervises such areas as:
  • energy industry development;
  • "green energy" projects development (renewable and alternative sources);
  • work in the area of sustainable development of electric power sector companies during "energy transition" and increasing environmental requirements (low-carbon development, decarbonization, BAT introduction);
  • tariff and other regulation, elimination of regulatory barriers in the activities of electric power enterprises;
  • science, innovation and development of Kazakhstani content in the energy industry;
  • supranational regulation within the EAEU (common electricity markets);
  • Coordinating Council for Energy Industry Development;
  • Coordinating Council for Ecology and Low-Carbon Development (in terms of issues related to the energy industry);
  • Energy Committee of the Presidium of "Atameken" National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Supervision of activities of:
  • Energy Industry Development Department;
  • Environmental Regulation Department (in terms of issues related to the energy industry).
Almaz Bolatovich Ibrayev
Executive director

Supervises such areas as:
  • taxation, transfer pricing, customs regulation and regulation of natural monopolies;
  • supranational regulation within the EAEU (common markets, customs regulation);
  • law-drafting activities and examination of draft regulatory legal acts affecting the interests of the Association and its members (according to the assigned projects);
  • arrangement of activities of the Coordinating Council on Financial and Economic Issues.
Supervision of activities of:
  • Fiscal Regulation Department
Suttybayev Ayan Kassymkhanovich
Executive Director

Supervises such areas as:
  • development of cooperation with foreign and international organizations (World Petroleum Council, World Energy Council, International Renewable Energy Agency, etc.);
  • preparation and holding of the Kazakhstan Energy Week, KAZENERGY Eurasian Forum and other international events;
  • joining relevant international organizations in the areas of the Association's activities (in the area of energy, ecology, resource and reserve management, etc.);
  • involvement and participation in grant and other projects of international organizations and donors on sustainable development, decarbonization, low-carbon development;
  • conducting joint research and reports with international organizations on energy development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and attracting investment;
  • interaction with state bodies and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan to promote the image of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad and organize a platform for attracting foreign investment in the Republic of Kazakhstan (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhs Invest NC JSC, etc.);
  • organizing and participating in traineeships in international organizations in order to increase competence and capacity.
Supervision of activities of:
  • International Cooperation Department;
  • Press Service;
  • Minutes.
Lyazzat Zheksenbayevna Akhmurzina
Executive Director

Supervises such areas as:
  • professional training;
  • retraining, advanced training of Kazakhstan personnel in the oil and gas and energy industry;
  • social partnership within the framework of trilateral cooperation;
  • implementation of social policy;
  • standardization and certification in vocational and technical education;
  • scholarship grants;
  • charity and sponsorship;
  • preparation and implementation of educational programs of the Association.
Supervision of activities of:
  • Human Capital Development Department;
  • Educational Programs Department, as well as provides general management of activities of "KazEnergy" Public Fund.
  • Coordinating Council for Human Capital Development;
  • KAZENERGY Youth Committee under the Association;
  • Women's Energy Club under the Association.
Nurlan Janekenov

Carries out coordination and organization of the activities of the Association on the following issues:
  1. admission, exit and exclusion of members of the Association;
  2. payment by members of the Association of entrance and annual membership fees;
  3. monitoring targeted membership fees that are not sponsorship or charitable assistance, additional membership fees in accordance with the internal documents of the Association;
  4. development of draft budgets for current activities (including amendments and additions to it) and annual financial statements;
  5. monitoring the execution of budgets for current activities, target and other projects according to accounting;
  6. formation and execution of a procurement plan for goods, works and services, implementation of established procedures for organizing and conducting procurement;
  7. receipt of dividends (income, remuneration (interest) received on contributions (deposits)) and other receipts not prohibited by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Supervises the work of the Department of Finance and Accounting.
Supervises the organization of the activities of the Audit Commission.

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