Seminars and trainings
Based on the meeting of the Coordinating Council for Human Capital Development one of the tasks set for the Association is to organizing research on the needs of the oil-gas and energy sector in human resources, participation in the development of international standards of training and re-training, qualification requirements for professionals.

To achieve this goal to improve the efficiency of employees and develop competencies, the KAZENERGY Association is ready to provide full assistance in organizing and conducting seminars and trainings for your company.

Based on our practical experience, we make the maximum efforts in studying of an essence of questions in the area necessary for the client in the shortest possible time and we can offer effective ways of their expeditious decision. Our professional team has the necessary capabilities and resources to provide quality services to your company.

Alua Akhmetova, Tutor-consultant
Oksana Shintemirova, Trainer, Consultant
Astana, 17 Kabanbay Batyr ave., block B
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