Q&A section for StudentDigitalFest
Q&A section for StudentDigitalFest
1. How do we register our team for the competition?
To participate in the competition, fill out the Application Form by June 17, 2021, at:
Each team shall attach a certificate from the university confirming their status of students (team members). CAPTAIN of the team shall start online registration first. Each team member submits an application for participation individually. After all team members fill out the Application, all team members will receive a team registration confirmation message.
2. Where can we find the Terms of Reference for the 2021 Competition?
In 2021, the Terms of Reference of the competition are presented in the following categories:
1) Automation of calculations of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency;
2) Implementation of a remote surface pressure sensor system to improve and optimize the well integrity monitoring process;
3) Development of a search engine based on pattern recognition to scan and detect designated characters in technical drawings.
Follow the link for a detailed description of each topic of the Terms of Reference
3. Can I take part in the competition on an individual basis?
No, only teams of 3 to 4 university students can participate in the competition.
4. Can a team consist of students of different majors/courses/universities?
Yes, students can form a team in any combination, the main requirement is that all team members shall be students of the same university.
5. Can students studying outside of Kazakhstan participate in the competition?
No, the competition is for students studying at Kazakhstani universities.
6. Can working specialists take part in the competition?
The competition is open to bachelor’s and master’s students to ensure equal conditions for all teams.
7. Are there any age restrictions for participation in the competition?
Yes, university students aged 18 to 25 are eligible for the competition. The organizers welcome both male and female students and follow the principle of equal rights and opportunities.
8. Can students who are not citizens of Kazakhstan participate in the competition as part of a team?
Yes, students are eligible for the competition if they are currently studying at a Kazakhstani university regardless of nationality.
9. What are the language requirements for the draft solutions?
The teams shall develop and present solutions in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.
10. When developing a draft solution, can the teams seek advice from KPO employees and what is the process for this?
Yes, you can find the contact information of the consultants for each Terms of Reference in the section “Competition Conditions” at The Competition Coordinator, in agreement with the Sponsor, will prepare a consultation schedule for online meetings to be organized, and you can also email your questions to the consultants.
11. What changes have been made to the StudentDigitalFest competition in 2021?
The second season of the competition consists of three stages.
Stage one includes team formation, individual registration of each team member (the age of participants is from 18 to 25 years old), formation of Expert Councils*.
Stage two consists of the development of draft solutions for one of the topics of the Terms of Reference of the competition, evaluation of the draft solutions by the Expert Councils, and selection of finalist teams.
Stage three involves the online defense of team works before the members of the Panel of Judges and the announcement of the winners.
* Expert Council is a group of experts with professional competence and experience in the topics of the terms of reference of the Competition. The Expert Council also consults the teams on the development of draft solutions on the topics of the Competition and is a part of the Competition’s Panel of Judges.
12. Who will evaluate the draft solutions developed by the teams?
The draft solutions on the topics of the Terms of Reference will be evaluated by the Expert Councils of the competition.
13. What is the composition of the panel of judges?
The Competition’s Panel of Judges is a group formed of experts - representatives of the oil and gas/energy industries, scientific and research institutions, scientific institutes, which who make decisions on the selection and determination of the winners of the Competition. The Panel may include independent experts as agreed with the Sponsor.
14. Will the costs of travel, accommodation and meals be covered for team members from other cities invited to defend the draft solutions?
The StudentDigitalFest 2021 will be held online. The Competition Coordinator will send all finalist teams a link to the virtual platform.
15. What if not all members of a team can participate in the final event?
The team shall notify the Organizers of the change as early as possible. If the team is invited to defend the project, at least 2 students shall participate on behalf of the team - 1 team member and the captain.
16. Will the competition participants have the opportunity to get a job or take an internship in the organizer’s company or in any other oil and gas company?
The StudentDigitalFest competition is not aimed at selecting and hiring employees, and participation in the competition does not give any advantages for employment.
17. Is the participation of academic supervisor obligatory?
It is not obligatory, it the teams are allowed to involve a supervisor to assist in the development of a draft solution. The supervisor is not part of the team.
18. What is the impact of the grades given by Expert Councils to the draft solutions?
Following the evaluation, the Organizers will prepare a list of teams that have passed to the final of the competition and will take part in the online defense of the projects.
19. What is the prize fund of the competition?
The total prize fund of the competition is USD 15,000 for all winning teams.
20. How will the teams take part in the defense of the draft solutions during the period of studies?
The organizers will send official letters about the participation of all team members in the competition finals to their universities. At the end of the competition, the Organizers will also inform the universities in writing about the results of the competition.
Contact info of the Competition Organizers: +7 717 2 79-01-74

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