Objectives and Functions
The Science and Technology Council of the KAZENERGY Association is a permanent collegial advisory body, whose main objective is to facilitate the organization and coordination of scientific, technical and innovation activities of the Association members.

The main purpose of creating the STC is to discuss and identify the most effective areas of research and development (hereinafter - R&D), alternative and renewable energy sources (hereinafter – RES) projects, the introduction of the best available technologies (hereinafter – BAT) and innovative technologies in the oil, gas and energy sectors in order to facilitate their planning, financing, organization, development and practical application in the activities of the Association member companies.

The tasks of the STC are:

1. to collect, transfer and adapt knowledge and technologies that meet best global practice in business for oil, gas and electric power enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. to form a consolidated expert opinion on various areas and problems of R&D development, RES projects, BAT and innovative technologies, bringing it to the attention of various target groups (government agencies, companies, the public, specialists, etc.) according to the following criteria:
  • technological efficiency;
  • economic efficiency;
  • environmental efficiency
  • filed of application;
  • possibility of mass adoption;
  • prospects for application in Kazakhstan;
  • legal and technological constraints;
  • other.
3. To create working groups under the STC to assess R&D performance, development of RES projects, introduction of BAT and innovative projects in the oil, gas and energy sectors during the energy transition with higher environmental requirements;
4. To review and assess the status of use of R&D results, development of RES projects, introduction of BAT and other innovative technologies in the oil, gas and energy sectors during the energy transition with increased environmental requirements.

Functions of the STC

The STC, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, performs the following functions:
  • Consideration of the issues related to determining science and technology policies in the oil, gas and energy sectors, and discussion of prospects and effectiveness issues of R&D, RES projects, introduction of BAT and innovative projects, as well as practical application of their results;
  • Consideration of incentives to improve R&D performance, develop RES projects, introduce BAT, and encourage scientific activities;
  • Discussion of draft regulatory documents of the oil, gas and energy sectors on the development of R&D, RES projects, introduction of BAT, innovative technologies and energy saving, as well as preparation of proposals for amendments to legislative acts.

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