

«Youth and challenges of the time»

In his Address dated October 5, 2018, “Growing Welfare of Kazakh Citizens: Increase in Income and Quality of Life”, the Head of State proposed to declare 2019 the Year of Youth.

At the time when progress and innovation advance with gigantic strides, it is difficult for the younger generation to adapt to the world around them.... What steps should be taken for the formation of the young generation as persons? How to help not to lose yourself in the world of new technologies?

The most popular life scenarios for young people – to study, to learn the world and their country, to raise the level of knowledge, including practical knowledge. Not to be afraid. To look for like-minded people. To be an innovator in everything, to try and not to be afraid of mistakes.

The purpose of the forum – сis to create a platform for discussion by young people of effective ways to find answers to the challenges of the time, experience exchange, business communication between stakeholders.

Who do we want to see on the forum? Proactive young people, future leaders, the future of our country.

It is also planned to participate in discussion panels and other events of industry masters and experts from Kazakhstan and abroad. Activities within the framework of the Youth Forum will be held at various thematic venues.

XI KAZENERGY Youth Forum “Youth and challenges of the time”

Within the XI Youth Forum “Youth and challenges of the time”, which will be held on September 24, 2019, in the Congress Center of Nur-Sultan, the organizers will announce the beginning of a new competition for undergraduate and graduate students of Kazakhstan.

The forum participants will be the first to learn about the stages of the competition and the opportunities for building their future professional experience together with one of the largest companies in the oil and gas industry.

Those who wish to participate must register at

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